The Richest Rock Bands In The World

Are you really surprised to hear this? British moppets Paul McCartney, John Lennon, George Harrison, and Ringo Starr date back to 1956, says Notable Biographies, when McCartney joined Lennon's group, the Quarrymen. Add Harrison a short time later and Starr in the 1960's, and here was a group deservedly called "The Fab Four" (which was coined by publicist Tony Barrow in 1962). Fast forward through dozens of group and solo albums, seven Grammy awards since 1964, concerts, movies, and other feats, and it is wonder that Music Mayhem Magazine calls The Beatles the "'founders' of pop and rock."

Today, The Beatles' combined net worth amounts to roughly $1.2 billion. During their lifetimes both John Lennon, who died in 1980 and George Harrison, who died in 2001, were charitable in their own rights. Notably, Harrison's The Material World Foundation which started in 1973, still makes donations to numerous causes. Paul McCartney, meanwhile, continues to support upwards of 45 charities, according to the Borgen Project. As for Ringo Starr, 100% of his proceeds today go to his own Lotus Foundation to assist a bevy of causes, including battered women, children, and animals.
